Senator Ted Cruz is acknowledged as the de-facto conservative voice in the 2016 Campaign for President. Many Trump supporters would disagree.
Despite this schism, Ted Cruz has donned the mantle of “Donald Slayer” and now puffs out his chest declaring The Donald as a coward, etc…
The whole debacle really got rolling because of Liz Mair’s anti-Trump, Pro Ted Cruz website Make America Awesome Again. This Ted Cruz SuperPAC posted pictures of Donald’s wife, Melania Trump first. They are so uncreative in Liz Mair’s shop, they attacked The Donald’s wife.
What the heck do you think happens when you attack The Donald’s wife? The Donald hits back.
Ted Cruz is content to hide behind the old “We don’t communicate with PACS” line but the Senator still hasn’t publicly rebuked Liz Mair for firing the first shot.
See the next page for why Ted Cruz is going to lose the War on Wives against The Donald.
His father, yes, was Cuban with a U.S. green card at the time of his birth; his mother did NOT give up her U.S. citizenship; Canada DID allow for dual citizenship at the time but the United States did not, nor does now, recognize dual citizenship. His birth would have been registered with the U.S. Consulate which is how he had his USA citizenship FROM BIRTH. He may not be ‘native born’ but he is NATURAL BORN. Furthermore Cruz never applied for American citizenship, never went through naturalization process…big piece of evidence right there that he is natural born citizen as opposed to naturalized citizen. Also, look up Immigration & Naturalization Act of 1790.
There are no sealed records anywhere. His childhood passport was a US passport. His father was a legal resident of USA. Went to college at UT, for goodness sake. His mother met all criteria to bestow birth citizenship. You can disagree with his policies, or not even like the guy, but please stop believing lies.
There were 3 blogs perpetuating the lies, all 3 have been debunked numerous times as spreading false information and out right lies. That is the origin of this misinformation. The only sources they cite are one of the other blogs. Have you seen any of this far fetched mess on any reputable news site? He has US birth records from his mothers birth certificate to his birth registration at the US consoler. They worked in Canada interpreting seismic data during a big oil and gas boom, they did not immigrate to the USA in 1974 as another spun from fiction story states. They simply came home to Houston when that energy play was over. BTW, his mother was born and raised in US, was a graduate of Rice University. His father had been a legal resident of USA for over 10 years. People can support whoever they want to. That’s their choice, but untrue propaganda is bearing false witness and good people need to know if they are being used for that purpose.
His father, yes, was Cuban with a U.S. green card at the time of his birth; his mother did NOT give up her U.S. citizenship; Canada DID allow for dual citizenship at the time but the United States did not, nor does now, recognize dual citizenship. His birth would have been registered with the U.S. Consulate which is how he had his USA citizenship FROM BIRTH. He may not be ‘native born’ but he is NATURAL BORN. Furthermore Cruz never applied for American citizenship, never went through naturalization process…big piece of evidence right there that he is natural born citizen as opposed to naturalized citizen. Also, look up Immigration & Naturalization Act of 1790.
There are no sealed records anywhere. His childhood passport was a US passport. His father was a legal resident of USA. Went to college at UT, for goodness sake. His mother met all criteria to bestow birth citizenship. You can disagree with his policies, or not even like the guy, but please stop believing lies.
There were 3 blogs perpetuating the lies, all 3 have been debunked numerous times as spreading false information and out right lies. That is the origin of this misinformation. The only sources they cite are one of the other blogs. Have you seen any of this far fetched mess on any reputable news site? He has US birth records from his mothers birth certificate to his birth registration at the US consoler. They worked in Canada interpreting seismic data during a big oil and gas boom, they did not immigrate to the USA in 1974 as another spun from fiction story states. They simply came home to Houston when that energy play was over. BTW, his mother was born and raised in US, was a graduate of Rice University. His father had been a legal resident of USA for over 10 years. People can support whoever they want to. That’s their choice, but untrue propaganda is bearing false witness and good people need to know if they are being used for that purpose.
His father, yes, was Cuban with a U.S. green card at the time of his birth; his mother did NOT give up her U.S. citizenship; Canada DID allow for dual citizenship at the time but the United States did not, nor does now, recognize dual citizenship. His birth would have been registered with the U.S. Consulate which is how he had his USA citizenship FROM BIRTH. He may not be ‘native born’ but he is NATURAL BORN. Furthermore Cruz never applied for American citizenship, never went through naturalization process…big piece of evidence right there that he is natural born citizen as opposed to naturalized citizen. Also, look up Immigration & Naturalization Act of 1790.
There are no sealed records anywhere. His childhood passport was a US passport. His father was a legal resident of USA. Went to college at UT, for goodness sake. His mother met all criteria to bestow birth citizenship. You can disagree with his policies, or not even like the guy, but please stop believing lies.
There were 3 blogs perpetuating the lies, all 3 have been debunked numerous times as spreading false information and out right lies. That is the origin of this misinformation. The only sources they cite are one of the other blogs. Have you seen any of this far fetched mess on any reputable news site? He has US birth records from his mothers birth certificate to his birth registration at the US consoler. They worked in Canada interpreting seismic data during a big oil and gas boom, they did not immigrate to the USA in 1974 as another spun from fiction story states. They simply came home to Houston when that energy play was over. BTW, his mother was born and raised in US, was a graduate of Rice University. His father had been a legal resident of USA for over 10 years. People can support whoever they want to. That’s their choice, but untrue propaganda is bearing false witness and good people need to know if they are being used for that purpose.
Naturalization Act of 1795 repealed and replace the Act of 1790 and removed Natural Born.
He is a citizen, that is not questioned, but he is not a Natural Born citizen. By the meaning that the founding fathers had when the wrote the requirements into the constitution, both parents must be citizens when the person is born.
Cruz knows and won’t answer the question.–tQVrnPZA
Still won’t answer.
The constitution is not “untrue propaganda”. You need to understand the true meaning of the term Natural Born Citizen and why the founding fathers changed the wording in the constitution from Born Citizen to Natural Born Citizen just before it was signed into law. Research the from John Jay to General George Washington for more understanding.