Senator Ted Cruz is acknowledged as the de-facto conservative voice in the 2016 Campaign for President. Many Trump supporters would disagree.
Despite this schism, Ted Cruz has donned the mantle of “Donald Slayer” and now puffs out his chest declaring The Donald as a coward, etc…
The whole debacle really got rolling because of Liz Mair’s anti-Trump, Pro Ted Cruz website Make America Awesome Again. This Ted Cruz SuperPAC posted pictures of Donald’s wife, Melania Trump first. They are so uncreative in Liz Mair’s shop, they attacked The Donald’s wife.
What the heck do you think happens when you attack The Donald’s wife? The Donald hits back.
Ted Cruz is content to hide behind the old “We don’t communicate with PACS” line but the Senator still hasn’t publicly rebuked Liz Mair for firing the first shot.
See the next page for why Ted Cruz is going to lose the War on Wives against The Donald.
That’s why 3 more women have come forward claiming it all true?
Both of you just get the hell over it. We are not looking for crybabies but leaders.
WOW ! WEAVER !! Falling for lying, cheating, cry baby, cruz ! Trumps still ahead, and far from scared !
You cannot argue with a not worth it…. lol….Trump 2016
Nope but sometimes can be fun Sandra lol
Just a reminder # never trump, # never cruz was developed by the establishment to divide you so the establishment would win, even if they wind up with Hillary. We have two non establishment candidates!! Now I like Mr Trump a whole lot more than Mr Cruz, but either is WAY better than Hillary. Come on Trump voters! Let’s put this one away!
Lycrusia Jackson Cruz has Trump beat on the lies….just ask Ben Carson.
Slime ball Cruz started this. You can’t expect Trump to sit back and not respond. I personally would not want a President that weak. Trumps the man, Cruz is a weasel!!!!!