Nobody in their right mind would want a nuclear war anywhere, including on the Korean peninsula. We’ve already got a war going on there between the North and South for over 60 years. The only veil of peace has been a cease-fire that has more or less held for all but the first few years of the war. There is no peace treaty. The nations are technically still at war.
The world over have turned a blind eye, or simply chose to ignore sparking the political powder keg that resides in the North, but Trump and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are now in the game and seem willing to fight fire with fire.
The unstable and bellicose leader of North Korea makes no effort to hide his nation’s quest for nuclear weapons. Especially ones he can deliver anywhere in the world.
This has the potential to develop into an incredibly nasty situation.
Unfortunately, things are heating up as discussed on page two.
Nonsense. Americans were dragged into WWII.
It would look like Chem trails from America and from our allies all heading towards N korea… trump has shown that he has no problem authorizing non nuclear strikes. The only thing that’s going to happen is Kim and the higher echelon of N korean military leaders is going to be vaporized by hmm well 59 cruise missiles should do it…
Umm John Harness you do realize we have veterans… people who don’t see war and just served in a recruiters post after 2 years of prep school… our number of retired military grows because people join even when we’re not at war. And most of the people that join voluntarily aren’t exactly the brightest bulb in the pack. A lot of times it’s a last resort… I don’t have sympathy for everyone who throws the word veteran around. The ones that earned it deserve it. The recruiters who never stepped into anything deeper than basic training… not so much..
Yeah I’m still a fan of shock and awe. It should’ve had a better engineer. What you don’t understand is that a show of strength on the northern and southern birder backed by a tactical strike at the heart of kims military would paralyze their military. And as long as we have the show of force to back the strike, well all we have to do is pummel N Korea into submission from the water while they’re distracted. They have no navy to challenge the full strength of our pacific fleet. And we also have Japan to give us some support if necessary. But I highly doubt we need Japan with a 3 sided mission to eradicate N Korean military but it’s always nice to know they’re there.
Hopefully China will snuff this overgrown juvenile delinquent.
Andrew Reiber, did you serve? See to me a snowflake is someone who won’t check thei mail box without a side arm. You seem like the type.
Spank his little$#%&!@*& be done
Shawn Davis grow a pair of balls stop letting your boyfriend run your life
Pop goes the weasel!
It would sound like this — SPLAT !!!!!!!!!!