Nobody in their right mind would want a nuclear war anywhere, including on the Korean peninsula. We’ve already got a war going on there between the North and South for over 60 years. The only veil of peace has been a cease-fire that has more or less held for all but the first few years of the war. There is no peace treaty. The nations are technically still at war.
The world over have turned a blind eye, or simply chose to ignore sparking the political powder keg that resides in the North, but Trump and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are now in the game and seem willing to fight fire with fire.
The unstable and bellicose leader of North Korea makes no effort to hide his nation’s quest for nuclear weapons. Especially ones he can deliver anywhere in the world.
This has the potential to develop into an incredibly nasty situation.
Unfortunately, things are heating up as discussed on page two.
short bloody & theyd be crushed in a month,if not weeks because China would probably invade them & take over before we advanced on Pyongyang.
What if Trump negotiated a deal with China last weekend.
“We take him out, and you can have it.”
There is no such thing as we unless you have a mouse in your pocket..
You have a great post
Unfortunately that kid is delusional thinking that he’s some kind of demi-god ???
We had a war with north Korea and people have lost there minds or have become totally stupid! Ask a Korean War veteran how the last Korean War went!
Well let’s hope we do not find ourself sin the Middle of a conflict with North Korea.
Do it right and it will take about 10 minutes
Maurlin Mallard
Is that a viable goal? Wipe them out? There are always innocent people left behind. Are we responsible for anything after we defeat an enemy? I think it would be difficult to find individuals willing to take a stand against the US, so the real goal is to defeat governments. Ending the lives of heads of state that threaten us would seem more effective. Not to mention much less expensive.