Nobody in their right mind would want a nuclear war anywhere, including on the Korean peninsula. We’ve already got a war going on there between the North and South for over 60 years. The only veil of peace has been a cease-fire that has more or less held for all but the first few years of the war. There is no peace treaty. The nations are technically still at war.
The world over have turned a blind eye, or simply chose to ignore sparking the political powder keg that resides in the North, but Trump and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are now in the game and seem willing to fight fire with fire.
The unstable and bellicose leader of North Korea makes no effort to hide his nation’s quest for nuclear weapons. Especially ones he can deliver anywhere in the world.
This has the potential to develop into an incredibly nasty situation.
Unfortunately, things are heating up as discussed on page two.
If China stays out, it would be over quite fast
The fastest 30 min war the old 50s b******t of lots of bodies is not going to work , technology will flatten korea
If we when do we get to give Kim Jong a new haircut??
I am afraid the war with north Korea will look more like second Vietnam
Those maniacs have threatened to nuke us, REPEATEDLY! If there’s anyone who needs to be smashed it’s North Korea and Iran! They need to be bombed senseless!
Hmmmm you sound a bit narsasistic …problem is you don’t know what your talking g about
Realistically the war would last all of 24 hours China’s to the North or South Korea to the south of them and wear to the east of them
Never get in a pissing contest with a skunk!!!!
You ain’t lying there brother!!!
For you chicken shits out there…