Nobody in their right mind would want a nuclear war anywhere, including on the Korean peninsula. We’ve already got a war going on there between the North and South for over 60 years. The only veil of peace has been a cease-fire that has more or less held for all but the first few years of the war. There is no peace treaty. The nations are technically still at war.
The world over have turned a blind eye, or simply chose to ignore sparking the political powder keg that resides in the North, but Trump and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are now in the game and seem willing to fight fire with fire.
The unstable and bellicose leader of North Korea makes no effort to hide his nation’s quest for nuclear weapons. Especially ones he can deliver anywhere in the world.
This has the potential to develop into an incredibly nasty situation.
Unfortunately, things are heating up as discussed on page two.
Easy kill the little bastard
I think if it Escalades to a full-fledged War it will get messy and a lot of people will die on both sides. I truely hope it doesn’t come to that we are already dealing with the Middle East
More dead people?
Let them alone we do not want all of those brainwashed anti Americans turned loose.
We do crooked things got criminals running the country but china & Russia would love it! I support trump but he’s letting people get in his head & it’s very sad that he was the only other choice! I thought he would make a difference but if this is indication I’m not sure hope he gets kusioner out of there along with the obama flunkies
John Garber,take the politicians out of the equation, and no problem! Rules of engagement is a fking joke! Politicians is the reason we didn’t wipe out nam!
the fat little pig running,,,N. KOREA doesn´t care howmany people he kills, that is why he killed his uncle and wife.
We need to expose the truth out of these countrys.This will give us the support we need.
I’m surprised the US is maneuvering the Pacific fleet, but maybe It will motivate China to get rid of the little Fat Guy in the next couple weeks. What a blessing.
Most of North Korea’s equipment is 1940 to 1960 and no have the supplies for a drawn-out war