Is this just saber rattling or are we at war with China? Just this week, with President Obama visiting Alaska, China showed off its strength by moving five of its navy ships off the coast of Alaska, in the Bering Sea. This is the first time the U. S. military has seen them here said Pentagon officials and they are tracking the movements of three Chinese combat ships.
The Chinese combat ships are not the first sign of war however, but the FOUR explosions that have occurred between the United States and China. China has done all it can to keep this information censored, both at home, by even arresting bloggers and journalists, but also by making an effort to suppress the news globally.
What really is going on between China and the United States? Are we in a staring contest waiting for the other to blink, or is there much more at stake? It seems that this escalation is being kept from both the Americans and Chinese. Keep reading and view the video on the next page.
The elites of the time pushed hatred of blacks just as they are pushing haterd of whites today everything is an agenda by the societal elites of the time the real enemy
I would categorize as not a war..But global positioning for leverage
Unemployment rate is only judged off when people are tryn to get jobs not when then stop trying because it’s not available. . I read and watched that so his numbers he claims are not accurate that is a proven fact just like the “50” intelligence agents who stated his commander’s are basically flat out lying about ISIS and the list can go on …
He is more of a Dictator .. if he wants something bad enough and the “People” say no he signs it with his little pen .. how many times have we heard that ? He even stated he would do the same to the Iran nuclear deal
Does that sound like the “Leader of the free world” to you ?? No .. free ?? That’s a stretch at the rate this current government is going .. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE AND/OR THIS COUNTRY WILL BE IN A “WAR” OF ITS OWN … and that will affect everyone no just the left or right
No, obviously no
Yay! Communism rules
When people start realizing that that republicans and democrates are for the elite and not for the peasants.Than they might realize that that we’re being led to the slaughter.Its not only this dictators fault but the people that keep these men in power because they love socailism.
I’m going to start a debate, if China invaded us soil, and proclaimed to get rid of our politicians, and restore the constitution, (possibly a disguise of liberation) who’s side would you take? And why?
We have been at war for years
I am not “waiting” on a war, but I am PREPARED for one.
Survivalist since 1977.
Keep your eyes on Syria , Russia will be the one we at war with , bible says within one hour they will destroy us.