Hillary Clinton must be used to being treated like royalty by the press because she appeared to be caught off-guard when a reporter finally grilled her over one of her worst misdeeds.
While one could come up with any number of individual indiscretions committed by Hillary, few are as infamous as her sending thousands of emails, many of which contained classified information, over her private server. Despite the clear risk posed to our national security by such behavior, the mainstream media has written off concern about the matter as a distraction and even a “conspiracy theory” to keep Clinton from winning the election.
But in the eyes of Fox News host Chris Wallace, the missing 30,000 emails are most certainly not a distraction. Indeed, the veteran reporter went out of his way to confront Hillary on the fact that she repeatedly lied about her handling of them.
Watch Wallace confront Hillary about the emails on the next page:
Pathological lying$#%&!@*
She says she isn’t lying. So what impact does Wapo have?
We will be fought over this by the super elite and media with their fingers in all the pie, and those supporting this .There will be no more of pulling the wool over Americans eye’s. Vote Trump! The truth is out on our economy people are waking up and seeing how it works and even seeing everything else! and the people are standing up and paying attention and wont forget! are you for all America or are you for yourself! are you for truth or are you for lies, are you for making America Great or are you for the same policy’s since nafta in which hinders the growth and puts caps on American Growth and wage control! you decide! do you want balanced third world wages or do you want to make your own future! do you want American company’s that cant compete with other company’s due to imbalanced trade with other country’s! Wake Up! and Vote Trump! do you want our rights in place or them taken away! Do you want a global America or do you want a America and to be a proud American, do you want a global flag or do you want a American flag! it is time to decide! do you want to be a patriot and fight for America, or live in a little box you create in which you don’t see what’s really happening! What made America great we all had the same chance at the same dream of our making from business to private citizen! us citizens threw our small investments in markets is what keeps big money stable! when We The People where moved off of company paid retirements and into investments they gave Americans a lot of power over markets! Remember this America! so yes we the people still have a lot of power used correctly! the elite don’t control the markets we do in turn we can excerpt power as much or more than them! lets unite and demand change! change includes removing corrupt practices! no need in protests that don’t work, or small groups that get laughed off at the top, Remember this America! the time might come we need to unite and use it to keep our rights and to make a America that works for all! and not for just certain groups at the top! I call this American citizens for balanced power! we even control walstreet! yes you with just a small investment no matter how small or big! this is a movement revolution what ever term you want to use! are we real republicans yes are they yet to be seen! just because you refuse to see what others do doesn’t mean its not true! and the final decision do you want pure socialism or retain what America is suppose to be your choice, if they ignore us Americans we can unite and see this threw to force change we will give them 4 years to get it right and make it right! we don’t need guns to fight! but we will fight to keep our rights, we can fight with our investments! by pulling our investments! all the poor and middle class and middle upper class can fight! and we need to fight for a prospering America and now they can hear are true voice as united Americans! if they remove trump agree to do this! YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Lets make sure they hear YOU
Do you think that the NWO Clinton Foundation and their cabal of NWO billionaires care a whit about lies?
an academy award performance……………………..how she can do it with a straight face amazes me
fought over this by the super elite and media with their fingers in all the pie, and those supporting this .There will be no more of pulling the wool over Americans eye’s. Vote Trump! The truth is out on our economy people are waking up and
Her and bozo should have lifetime membership in this arena.
Princess B.S. from the Land of IDIOTS!
What a bunch of right wing b******t. The few emails that Hillary resent did contain confidential information. Most were not confidential at the time, none were labelled as such. How many other politicians have/had private email servers. Stop this c**p and look at the real issues of this election.
quotation: ABC News detailed a final State Department investigation which concluded that past secretaries of state, including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice’s immediate staff, “handled classified material on unclassified email systems.” The findings come as the FBI investigates a private email server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state.
For months, conservative media figures have attacked Clinton, baselessly accusing her of wrongdoing for receiving State Department emails on her private email account while secretary of state. On February 4, reports emerged that Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice also used private email accounts when they served under former President George W. Bush, and some of their emails similarly contained information that was retroactively classified.