The Georgia Guidestones were unveiled on March 22, 1980 in Elberton, GA in front of about 300 people. The monument has been shrouded in mystery for some time as to who put them there and what the actual intention of the edifice is.
The ideals inscripted are certainly not something that the average person would find appealing, like eliminating most of the earth’s population.
In fact, the more one considers the text on the Guidestones, the more questions they raise…
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Some company with big machinery needs to smash them to the ground. And use them for land fill
Whaa?? Do you not care about our children and grandchildren?
Yeah Obama and his minions da
New world order
Tim , you are very good at repeating what the MSM puts out as talking points…The Stock market is a sham, the banks got bailed out after the democrats, Frank and Todd, caused the housing bubble with BS loans to people that couldn’t pay for them , 90% of the jobs that were created is PT jobs ,less then 30hrs/wk so the worker has to pay for their own healthcare , and if you can’t afford ins then you get taxed/fined for not having it … The car industry is a joke, can you afford a new car ? Do you keep it til it gets paid off or do you trade it in for another new one with the same or higher payments ? The only ones getting richer here is the banks but you fail to see it… $2.00 gas … It was also there ($1.86) when Bush left office …maybe if you get off your knees, even tho Obama like you in that position, stand up and realize … Both sides are bad , I am not blaming just the democrats, even tho they have done alot of damage the last 7 yrs, some republicans are just as bad … There is at least 150 that voted for the spending bill that might as well change their status from R to D …but let’s face it Tim, you are just like Barry… You like to play the blame game … Never take responsibility for your own mistakes
Muslims are taught to lie to your face and do as you do to decite the non believers. He’ll be forgiven in Hell.
Christians used the Bible to show HATRED and DISCRIMINATION and KILL non-white people!!
Toddlers KILLED more Americans than Muslims
Name 1 thing Republicans have done to help struggling hard working Americans better themselves and their families……..this helped WHO?
Why Republicans tried to BLOCK this? Republicans want boots on the ground YET REFUSED to support our Veterans