Walmart has been installing facial recognition cameras at eye level in the entrances of their new store fronts for some time now. These cameras not only have the ability to cross reference you with social media networks to put a name with the face, but utilzes software that has the ability to ascertain a great many things about the environment. How much exactly is unknown, but in the video on the next page you can see that it not only tracks faces, but can categorize objects and motion.
Wallmart isn’t protecting anybody your so dam stubid.
Stanley doors have always had cameras in them. They just use the rugged domes instead now. More of a clear shot. Better resolution
Boy, somebody is off their meds.
Target has them. And almost every single Bank has them.
I install them.
Bank of America
5th 3rd Bank
US Bank
And so on……
Ive worked in Wal-Mart’s as technician and on more than 5 occasions, I have heard or been witness to the planning and installation of a passage way under the stores. But there always appeared to have a “plumbing issue” and for some reason, either the mechanical or plumbing contractor companies would either pull of the job abruptly or the Forman would leave or quit….it always made me wonder…..
Thank you vito there is something very fishy going on with this a Vigilant mind and scrutiny is required’s technology can make lies seem very real critical thinking and research is required most people doing this contract work for the government have to sign non-disclosure agreements upon penalty of imprisonment and large fines no one will speak of this
Got indisputable proof or are you off your meds today?
Do your research dumbass
Its privately owned,they don’t need your permission!!!