Walmart has been installing facial recognition cameras at eye level in the entrances of their new store fronts for some time now. These cameras not only have the ability to cross reference you with social media networks to put a name with the face, but utilzes software that has the ability to ascertain a great many things about the environment. How much exactly is unknown, but in the video on the next page you can see that it not only tracks faces, but can categorize objects and motion.
Welcome to the NWO, more and more each year
LOL! Better be careful Tim. Now the government knows how much TP you’ve bought.
I trust Walmart to use it properly more than I trust the Feds to.
Don’t take away my insanity plea!!
They are not using facial recognition software, we install the lines, the cameras, the DVRs and focus and name the cameras. I own a network business. Been doing the entire network for wal mart/Sam’s for 16 years now.
Quit being a dumbass Tim Hammock
And when they fail and they will. Has anyone seen the people who work there. With that said would you trust them to your security?
aaaaand many McDonald’s drive thru, and school buses and banks to track and get an identity on all the 44, million illegal immigrants and low-life. The police departments have thousands of home/business break-in, burglary, assault videos. And no one know who the perps are….
Then you should have noticed that camera isn’t recording anything but the packing material over the lens. I’m LMFAO.
Don’t enter a bank or use an ATM. Don’t walk near major corporations buildings. Don’t go onto University property, liquor stores or convenient stores. Actually your pretty much confined to your own property because security cameras are recording you all over the place legally and with smart phones you could be recorded accidentally yet legally.
Wal-Mart haters surface again..