Walmart has been installing facial recognition cameras at eye level in the entrances of their new store fronts for some time now. These cameras not only have the ability to cross reference you with social media networks to put a name with the face, but utilzes software that has the ability to ascertain a great many things about the environment. How much exactly is unknown, but in the video on the next page you can see that it not only tracks faces, but can categorize objects and motion.
Facial recognition is a software program not an installed hardware, its public knowledge they are using this for shoplifting protection.
I know what it is. I install the entire network+cameras @wal marts nationwide. It is software..and no they are not using the software.
So what.
F**k wall fart
It’s where you put your chewing gum before walking into the store , right ??
LOL !!!
If installed, start arresting 99 % of their customers.. Certainly the guy that punched his wife in the face at Shawnee Pharmacy counter and the fat$#%&!@*who smacked her toddler in the face- after removing her flip flop to do it…
Who would install the hardware and not use the software that goes along with it that just doesn’t sound logical they are using facial recognition technology and Walmart does work with Homeland Security not sure where you get your facts from buddy but you’re wrong seems to me like you’re just a installer .I’m sure your job is pretty compartmentalised why would they tell you anything you don’t need to know it’s above your paygrade.. how do we know you’re not a disinformation agent how do we know you’re not a troll most people that work for the government sign non-disclosure agreements as well with technology they have these days I do not trust anything I see on television only a quarter of what I hear and only a quarter of what I read and I research everything ..the government puts it out there you just gotta know where to look I suggest you do the research too.
I don’t shop at walmart
Person of Interest and 1984 coming to life