Walmart has been installing facial recognition cameras at eye level in the entrances of their new store fronts for some time now. These cameras not only have the ability to cross reference you with social media networks to put a name with the face, but utilzes software that has the ability to ascertain a great many things about the environment. How much exactly is unknown, but in the video on the next page you can see that it not only tracks faces, but can categorize objects and motion.
I looked on wal marts news on fb. They aren’t even owning up to this. Outrage. Just on & on about how their turning profits around etc. How much MORE Money they’re making. Have Yoy seen the article about the face recognition cameras? FEMA Underground at The wal mart stores? My Gosh. I’ve never been a big fan of wal mart anyway. After Today I’m Going to do My best to shop someplace else
Yeah they are saying “less than 100 were affected” yet the group us heading up towards 700 people 🙁 They always release the same statement about how it was just a glitch and that all cards have been working 🙁 Meanwhile, people are going hungry, without meds, and it’s just horrible at this point 🙁
Ok is it the green dot cards or those New cards they’re posting on Face book all the time
The Green Dot cards sold by Walmart.
The stores have signs posted about premises under video surveillance at all entrances. This covers them and they don’t need you permission. Once you walk through the door you just gave them permission. All surveillance systems are going to this type of thing. It is good as far as alerting the business of sexual predators coming in their business. Not everyone is out to spy on you.
Ok Well If You check Your News,Feed they KEEP Advertising A Walk Mart money card trying to get people to sign up. Electronic deposit for payroll etc
Wal Mart
Yeah these are actually listed as “Walmart Money Cards by Green Dot”
Ok. Wow. After Everything Thats Happened & They’re Still Pushing Those Cards Trying To Rip More People Off…
Glad we don’t shop there very often. Guess we’ll just stop altogether