What does Walmart and Hillary Clinton have in common? Glad you asked. She served for six years on the Walmart Board of Director and a shareholder.
“As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else.” – Hillary Clinton (1990)
A forgotten video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton’s hidden side of Walmart support which goes quite counter to the union loving, socialist platform she stumps on today.
Labor lawyer John Tate, also on the board of Walmart, was a voice of strident opposition to labor unions. He repeated again and again, “Labor unions are nothing but blood sucking parasites.”
Nowhere on the board meeting videos do we ever see Hillary speak in defense of labor unions today, though she certainly takes as much money as she can from them.
The video can be viewed on the Next Page:
Jerome Fuller, lmao, you really think Hillary is a Democrat, that’s pretty funny
Them folks digging up skeletons
America been lying since ‘GO’! Saying you’re beautiful over and over again, doesn’t make you beautiful
Get Out The Vote And Put Trump In The Win Column.
Well let’s take a look at all the qualified people running the government now and where the country men can use woman bathroom wow the makes scenes not job moving out of this country rich people leaving this country national debt thrue the roof so you say politician are the best for the job I would say not well past the time for a change politicians need to go get on the trump train
Don’t forget America Hillary Clinton is the Butcher of Benghazi
Hillarys actions are worse than trumps words
I love how a post about Clinton turns into Trump bashing. Why not stick to the subject Ron? Than we can discuss Trump
What year was that!!! 1970? Just what is the fucking point?