What does Walmart and Hillary Clinton have in common? Glad you asked. She served for six years on the Walmart Board of Director and a shareholder.
“As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else.” – Hillary Clinton (1990)
A forgotten video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton’s hidden side of Walmart support which goes quite counter to the union loving, socialist platform she stumps on today.
Labor lawyer John Tate, also on the board of Walmart, was a voice of strident opposition to labor unions. He repeated again and again, “Labor unions are nothing but blood sucking parasites.”
Nowhere on the board meeting videos do we ever see Hillary speak in defense of labor unions today, though she certainly takes as much money as she can from them.
The video can be viewed on the Next Page:
He is the worst president in U.S. History.
Not too mention the government basically subsidizes much of Walmart’s employee compensation via welfare and food stamps. Wonder how that’s been allowed to happen for so long.
I hate trump but my guess is he pays his employees better the Walmart.
Trump is the only one that will work for the American people..he is doing all this for FREE!!! The other’s have lived on our money and the lobbyists being made filthy rich..by ruining our lives and safety..Trump looks pretty good to me!
Killary will lie and lie and then lie some more…and you sad-sack freaking liberals will climb all over each other just to vote for her!
Karl M Anderson Some of them probably. Will never know, but between Clinton and Trump one wants a higher minimum wage, and one wants no federal minimum wage
You and your people continue saying “Bernie Sanders isn’t really a democrat”. I’ve been hearing it all day on every channel from your people. So “WE, Bernie’s people” will certainly remember all this in November when WE will NOT be voting for you because as we’ve heard so many times “you don’t need the Independents”! Well we don’t need you!! We will NEVER vote for you. You will lose to Trump and that’s on you for being so disrespectful to us.
Russell Brown – No, that would be Reagan followed closely by GWB.
Hey rubber face…
Another fact Casper…
If Hillary has been involved in the deaths of U.S. soldiers due to negligence and trump doesn’t, what is trump? If Hillary destroyed a young girls life by putting her threw hell in the courtroom and defending the guy she her self said was guilty of raping the little girl, what is trump! Yea he is still a$#%&!@*but he is most def the lesser of two evilS! That’s what trump is
I trust Trump with the codes more than Cruz, someone who honestly thought we were in the end times