What does Walmart and Hillary Clinton have in common? Glad you asked. She served for six years on the Walmart Board of Director and a shareholder.
“As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else.” – Hillary Clinton (1990)
A forgotten video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton’s hidden side of Walmart support which goes quite counter to the union loving, socialist platform she stumps on today.
Labor lawyer John Tate, also on the board of Walmart, was a voice of strident opposition to labor unions. He repeated again and again, “Labor unions are nothing but blood sucking parasites.”
Nowhere on the board meeting videos do we ever see Hillary speak in defense of labor unions today, though she certainly takes as much money as she can from them.
The video can be viewed on the Next Page:
Not everyone thinks Obama is bad! That’s why he was elected twice!
I hope Burntknee or Killary win and sticks these liberals that love her and him so much in the same place Fidel Castro and all like him stuck them after they gained power.
Don’t come around asking for help when it happens.
Hillary and Bernie are bith Commie infiltrated new world order insurgents.
They will get the moslims to do their dirty work for them and blame a video.
All you liberals supporting them are aberrated beyond the cure.
She is a lifelong hypocrite. She virtually has no shame. Another natural born, Sociopathic, pathological liar. She adds more shame to the deeds of her Party. In the future, all statues of her should be made of Dung.
Trump. Is.an.idiot. and greedy yes. But that doesn’t.mean Hilary is.not a.monster lol u are stupid .both are worthless stop defending her
Let’s see, NWO Hillary, or hurt your feelings Trump. I think I’ll put my big boy pants on and pick Trump.
Darrin Belzman please tell me , they lied when she left the White House the first time , and didn’t steal 250.000 in antiques , furniture and China . Congress had to beg her to bring back . So she is not a thief scumbag , that’s great news
Lou Piscatelli Sr When did Hillary lie about items they received as gifts while in the Whitehouse that she returned? Last time I checked, taking something that you received as a gift isn’t theft.
Nothing wrong being a share holder
Nothing will be done to Hillary just like nothing will be done to Obama. And nothing will be done to Trump with all his crooked deals either. YouTube video You’ve Been Trumped
Trump and Hillary are both dirty. The only difference is Trump hasn’t been given the power of congress or POTUS status yet. Either one of them in that position is dangerous to Americans. We are on a slippery slope into hell and someone just keeps pouring on the oil.