What does Walmart and Hillary Clinton have in common? Glad you asked. She served for six years on the Walmart Board of Director and a shareholder.
“As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else.” – Hillary Clinton (1990)
A forgotten video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton’s hidden side of Walmart support which goes quite counter to the union loving, socialist platform she stumps on today.
Labor lawyer John Tate, also on the board of Walmart, was a voice of strident opposition to labor unions. He repeated again and again, “Labor unions are nothing but blood sucking parasites.”
Nowhere on the board meeting videos do we ever see Hillary speak in defense of labor unions today, though she certainly takes as much money as she can from them.
The video can be viewed on the Next Page:
You are a bit paranoid. I really hope someone sees your comments and gets you help
Come on! She’s a cake eater. On the private side she all about the same things Trump is but on the political side she’s against everything capitalism. At least Trump is being more consistent.
you’re an idiot
Under FBI Investiagtion < NOT under FBI investigation. What now?
Yes Hillary was anti-American. After all, she started out as a Republican and slowly got mart enough to be a democrat. Her familywas conservative and she got a taste of Nixon and wised up. This entire story is a piece of c**p. She was on the Wal-Mart board when she was a lawyer for the Rose Law firm who had as a client… ready for this??? WAL-MART. She was also married to Bill Clinton ogovernor of Arkasnas, and suprinse again, WAL-MART if an Akansas corporation. GET A FREAKING LIFE>
Clintons Hit Man
Please just put her in a real prison with the general population and leave her there.
Keep in mind that H does NOT need one “Hillary hater” vote to win the White House … So, keep one hating
I’d listen to the video but a) it’s just another string of lies the$#%&!@*of Benghazi told once that she’s lying to cover up now, as usual, and b) I can’t stand to listen to this whore of islam open her pie hole.