What does Walmart and Hillary Clinton have in common? Glad you asked. She served for six years on the Walmart Board of Director and a shareholder.
“As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else.” – Hillary Clinton (1990)
A forgotten video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton’s hidden side of Walmart support which goes quite counter to the union loving, socialist platform she stumps on today.
Labor lawyer John Tate, also on the board of Walmart, was a voice of strident opposition to labor unions. He repeated again and again, “Labor unions are nothing but blood sucking parasites.”
Nowhere on the board meeting videos do we ever see Hillary speak in defense of labor unions today, though she certainly takes as much money as she can from them.
The video can be viewed on the Next Page:
I get it. When your candidate does it its OK, but when the other guy does THE EXACT SAME THING it is not OK. Like, far out man, that is SO PROGRESSIVE!
I told you so every one of you
1990 – 26 years ago? That’s the best you can come up with?
Are you Rumplestillskin? Have you been asleep the last 28 years? Wake up!
It makes him the president, you stupid fk
Is anyone surprised! I hope not!!!
She is a chameleon!
She will just lie her way around it, not a big deal to her supporters they are used to it.
Well this is fun. I had no idea. Ha!
We are being honest. Perspicuity? Try it. BTW. Rich people CREATE the jobs!
Omg Ron…you’re an idiot…what do business men do?….buy when prices are high?….and you’re judging his character, morals and ethics on normal business practices?. I suppose if get excited about a lumber company going bankrupt so I can buy some cheap wood for building furniture, I’m a monster….good god you’re an idiot.