It has been said that facts are hard things. In the case of union thugs and the moronic “fight for fifteen” campaign that demands a $15 minimum wage for new workers without skills or an established work ethic, what it means is far fewer jobs and businesses finding new ways to automate. One example is the Wal-Mart store in Los Angeles Chinatown, a depressed area that has few, if any, large grocery stores and limited jobs to offer the citizens of the area.
For many years, the main shopping venues in the Chinatown were high priced liquor stores that carried limited grocery items and convenience stores, also with a very limited range of products. Finally, in September of 2013, Wal-Mart opened a 33,000 sq foot grocery and drug store in the area, and the locals flocked to the store for lower prices and a much better selection of goods. Also drawn to the store were the union hacks who demanded their piece of the pie. The union’s also bused in a union funded “ecology” group who protested against Wal-Mart for destroying the downtown area. Of course the “ecology” group would evaporate once Wal-Mart was unionized, but over 100 Wal-Mart workers preferred a steady job and better prices and selection, so they refused to support the union pressure.
Unions and government force Wal-Mart out, page 2:
As much as i hate walmart that is b******t many employees make 15 dollars an hour or more when i worked there i made 11.30 an hour and i knew people that up to 20. an hour walmart could easily pay the fifteen an hour if they had to but cashiers are part time and most wont stay long enough to advance in the company
The road to hell is paved w good intentions
Dictatorship does not work !!!
The liberals will blame anyone except themselfs
It’s the poor people who rely on Wal-Mart. Outsourcing of work for cheap labor and taxes are what keeps them poor. Wal-Mart took out the competition and nos in certain áreas they are not making money. Free tarde and Obama care are the problem. Minimumwage would not be a factor if not for them. You reap what you sowe.
Michael: You are right on that one! What goes around,comes around!
It’s not closing due to $15 an hour minimum wage. They’re closing the smaller stores called “Walmart express” a store that was supposed to be like dollar stores but it’s not working out so they’re shutting them all down along with some super centers and non super center stores due to not meeting profit margins, high theft and shrinkage rates. I hate Walmart with the passion trust me, but I work there and we had a meeting recently over it and it has nothing to do with a $15 minimum wage.
Yep Obama is destroying our lives! I for one want him punished for Espionage and Treason!
The only thing to blame is company greed.