It has been said that facts are hard things. In the case of union thugs and the moronic “fight for fifteen” campaign that demands a $15 minimum wage for new workers without skills or an established work ethic, what it means is far fewer jobs and businesses finding new ways to automate. One example is the Wal-Mart store in Los Angeles Chinatown, a depressed area that has few, if any, large grocery stores and limited jobs to offer the citizens of the area.
For many years, the main shopping venues in the Chinatown were high priced liquor stores that carried limited grocery items and convenience stores, also with a very limited range of products. Finally, in September of 2013, Wal-Mart opened a 33,000 sq foot grocery and drug store in the area, and the locals flocked to the store for lower prices and a much better selection of goods. Also drawn to the store were the union hacks who demanded their piece of the pie. The union’s also bused in a union funded “ecology” group who protested against Wal-Mart for destroying the downtown area. Of course the “ecology” group would evaporate once Wal-Mart was unionized, but over 100 Wal-Mart workers preferred a steady job and better prices and selection, so they refused to support the union pressure.
Unions and government force Wal-Mart out, page 2:
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It is called economics idiots!
You Don’t know what the meaning of sweat shop is. I Don’t give c**p what kind of work you do as long as you still get to work. Atleast you have work here. For the other one, read what I wrote. If the jobs are here, people are a le to afford to apendicitis here. The higher the minimum wage the higher the prices. The Obama care deal and free trade are the biggest problems. Wal-Mart has become alot of peoples only option because it destroyed the mom and pop stores.
F**k Walmart. Without Walmart undercutting every other busness these ex slaves can find better paying jobs as other busnesses pick up. Walmart is a big drain on the American economy. GOOD RIDDENCE!!
Then close
And we can go back to the good old days. When the smaller stores in town could make a living.
Let’s hear it for the liberals. They put you out of work. Vote GOP.
Not at all true more like fema camps
Michael ibet if walmart asked you to drive trucks for them with what they pay them knowing your work history.I bet you would change your attitude about the company knowing you are a in the closet Wal-Mart shopper you would take the job. Any way that I’d the problem with the world a poor person succeeded and succeeded in life and every one hates his book before you judge
I feel sorry for the 3cashiers that will be out of work