Whenever gun stores are under fire (no pun intended) for selling certain guns or accessories, you can always expect a particular large retailer to show up in the heat of things. Walmart has consistently been at the heart of the gun debate since the tragic events in Newtown Connecticut and the many attempts to restrict gun rights that followed. Now, just months after winning a lawsuit against Trinity Church over the sale of AR-15s, Walmart has made a decision that has many people scratching their heads.
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“Not political”? So giving up some of your stores to “Jade Helm” was not “political” either? IT WAS TRAITOROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And neither was the flag… Not that I would buy a fun from walmart anyway.
its political.
Threatened by government, or paid. The Puss’s.
Boycott.haven’t shopped there in years $#%&!@*hole
Yeah just like the confederate flag !
May not be political but sure is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I call BS!