Due to the low sales of AR-15s Walmart is going to stop selling them in favor of more hunting rifles. While their corporate offices swear that this isn’t a political move, Walmart doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to political persuasion.
Just months after winning against a Trinity Church lawsuit designed to force Walmart to quit selling AR-15s and “high capacity” magazines, Walmart corporate says it will quit selling AR-15s of its own accord.
Moreover, corporate stresses that the decision is “not political.”
According to Gun Talk radio host Tom Gresham, Walmart corporate “confirmed” their decision to quit selling AR-15s on August 25.
There’s no doubt that Walmart is a popular retailer for outdoorsman due to the fact they sell guns. When they tried to stop selling them back in 2006, it wasn’t a move that worked out so well for them. Keeping that in mind, it’s possible that this time they’re being sincere.
For more information go to: Breitbart
Photo: Mike Mozart on Flickr
If it sounds looks and feels like a lie, it probably is a lie. I hardly believe AR15 sales are dropping. The problem is many Wal-Mart stores wouldn’t stock them or ammo in calibers associated with “assault rifle”, hence no sales. If I had a choice I wouldn’t buy anything from china-mart but they have run almost all of the smaller businesses out of business.