Although Michael Bloomberg and his communist billionaire cronies had the cash to basically buy Washington State its new gun control law, I-594, in his self-reverence he might have been surprised to see that their expensive purchase didn’t automatically come with patriot compliance.
Last weekend around 1,000 people gathered at the state capital, openly carrying guns in complete defiance of the new law in a rally titled “I will not comply.”
Now, sheriff-elect Rob Snaza and prosecutor Jonathan Meyer of Lewis County have publically stated in a letter that they will not enforce the Marxist gun law, turning average citizens into criminals.
Getting these anti-Constitutional laws passed is one thing, getting compliance is completely another.
I won’t comply either.
The constitution matters
steve larson says:
“Mr lewis I as a vet my son active military and my youngest to fallow to ensure our freedom it saddens me now ignorant these liberals are to the life they enjoy in this country.”
Mr lewis I as a vet my son active military and my youngest to fallow to ensure our freedom it saddens me now ignorant these liberals are to the life they enjoy in this country.
Arresting those who pass these Laws may be in the cards.
It’s called, Nullification! You can make all the unjust laws you want. Good people won’t follow them.
Without our support your a Leader standing on quicksand and we’re fresh out of lifelines.
Bloomberg, advocating the very Laws that made HITLERs Death Camps possible. Some never learn, do they. Hitler axed his most ardent supporters with that ethnic type name. Hey Bloomberg, your not Black!
About time we refused to comply with these federal mandates
Refuse to pass any laws that are against our freedom.