Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
And this man carries a gun?
Officer,you need to see a psychiatrist ,
His helmet is too tight !
Just Remember, Most of us are Veterans….:)
The irony is that the liberal Democrats in the USA and Socialist Parties of Europe are, according to Nikita Kruschev’s MEMOIRS, the Frankenstein monster creations of Stalin and the KGB, a treasonous subterfuge group of progressisives that were t undermine and betray their nations. And now these Socialist International self-ordained elite liberal lords and progressive plutocrats believe themselves to be Plato’s enlightened philosopher king, and infallible high priests in an Anti-Christ cult in which Government is God. And these feminist creditors to the Zionist bankers have an intense hatred for all Conservative, Capitalist, Nationalist, Christian, Caucasian males in the private sector. That is why these liberal elites want America invaded by Mexicans and Euroope invaded and overrun by Arab and African Muslims. The Conservative, Capitalist, Constitution-loving, Christian, Caucasian males in Europe and America have more in common with Vladimir Putin than their own leaders and the bureaucrats who try to rule and regulate every aspect of the serfs’ lives. It appears as if Huxley was prescient in his novel, Brave New World. Liberals, progressives, Hollywood Hedonists and Zionist have converted Europe and America into a hedonist, feminist, decadent , indebted emasculated and decaying socialist nanny states. We in the West have lost our morality and that sense of divine duties towards our god, our families ans our nation. And a republic can only survive when the citizens are virtuous, moral and self-sacrificing, just as george washington stated in his Farewell Address.
he is anotherr bullied child turned trigger happy cop,which most cops r.
If our rights are taken away we will not be able to protect our homes if someone tries to break in by the time the cops get there it is too late Wake up America and fight for our freedom and liberties !!! Fast and pray for God to help us !
Going after the wrong crowd. Why not go after drug gangs with all your new military equipment?