Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
these are the ones needed to be weeded out of the police force , they make it bad for the rest
Constitutionalists” are the reason we have a United States of America, you brainless rock!
Don’t worry pig, there are more of us
This is one cop who should be sh– !! He has declared war on veterans!!!!
truly fuked up. besides they are a death trap
What a complete, Socialist FOOL…..
His pay will drop if they kill all the constitutionalists…Sinking his own boat, so to speak.
I bet he owns a gun
Another dangerous Obama Lemming!
WOW and you are worried about racist cops? LOL