Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
Another Obama follower. People like this need to unlearn their teachings! Or leave the United States.
Just how unprofessional can a Law Enforcement agency get…check out the Spokane County Sheriffs Dept pattern of behavior…their Union actually came out and supported individuals who lie and commit criminal behavior on duty, and believe it or not the State Arbitrators won’t let the Sheriff fire them…sad state of affairs..Personally, I think the people of Spokane County deserve a lot better than their getting, we should disband this dept and start over…
tomtom says:
“Screw anyone that wants to disarm the people. If the gov and police want to disarm the people then there is NO reason for the police to be armed with all there batman toys and GI Joe toys. The threats will be gone if the people are disarmed. So no need for the TRAITOR S in law enforcement to have weapons. PERIOD !!!!!”
Has he flipped?
Screw anyone that wants to disarm the people. If the gov and police want to disarm the people then there is NO reason for the police to be armed with all there batman toys and GI Joe toys. The threats will be gone if the people are disarmed. So no need for the TRAITOR S in law enforcement to have weapons. PERIOD !!!!!
He’d fit in great in Cuba, Russia, China or North Korea.
tomtom says:
“Screw anyone that wants to disarm the people. If the gov and police want to disarm the people then there is NO reason for the police to be armed with all there batman toys and GI Joe toys. The threats will be gone if the people are disarmed. So no need for the TRAITOR S in law enforcement to have weapons. PERIOD !!!!! Let the police give there guns up first .”
Screw anyone that wants to disarm the people. If the gov and police want to disarm the people then there is NO reason for the police to be armed with all there batman toys and GI Joe toys. The threats will be gone if the people are disarmed. So no need for the TRAITOR S in law enforcement to have weapons. PERIOD !!!!! Let the police give there guns up first .
Sad state of affairs…We’ve got a really good Sheriff here, but his hands are tied by the Civil Service rules regarding his ability to “take out the trash” so to speak. Obviously some of his Deputies have no clue about who employs them or exactly what their job description is…For one, I fully support terminating individuals that loose their way. It takes a well grounded person to “Protect and Serve” respectfully…
The traitors won’t last long when the SHTF