Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
This fool should not be a cop if he is that worried about people.
Obama is killing this country
That is also true. I trust the civilian population to the make the right call as much as I trust the cops.
No you just need to be a true american and not a gutless wonder and you won’t need anything be a patriot and not a communist !
Apparently he doesn’t care about the Constitution. We don’t need cops like him.
Where the hell did he drop out of?????????]
Kinda makes one wonder just exactly how long ago the take over of America was planned and if some of these people were planted as “sleepers” to grow up amongst us waiting for the day theyre needed? I know DC does this or has many years ago
So, you want war machines to come and kill you too, Washington Police? You possess guns as well. The war machines won’t discriminate between those who possess and those who own guns.
Obama n the dems gulag n death camp a commin soon…say hello to comrades n goodbye to USA n any religion….good goin libs…u win.