Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
This is why we need fewer pigs in this nation, the majority of all the pigs in this nation are like this guy, booooooooooo
Guns are not the problem with this nation pigs like this with guns are the problem with this nation
No of many more honorable police officers!
He should be dismissed from his job as a policeman!
What an idiot.
The key word here is “constitutionalists”. It means people who believe in the constitution. Is this now a crime that they want to kill us over? This guy need to be fired right now. He is an idiot.
Hopefully he’ll bite a bullet some day. Pure POS anti-Constitutional trash.
He does have a point…..those idiots are out there and they continue to ambush police….but, come on….ever see what shows up to a scene when someone has taken a hostage nd is baracaded in their house? Frigging tanks nad bomb squds and the SWAT team of 50 people . Its insane. All you need is ONE sniper and maybe ONE extra weapon.
Can’t see it on my phone !