Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
What we need are dedicated Men and Women in the Police Departments, that are there to protect the citizens. Not promote the racial issues that are spreading around the Country. What next, citizens with knives, hackets, chain saws, saws, spears, whatever?
This goes against the values of America!
The constitutionalist are Americans. He makes it sound like we are the enemy in a war.
Should not be a cop!
that is why you do not need to be a cop you can not up hold the laws of this land
This guy definitely needs to be disarmed, he’s nuts.
when cops are willing to say something like that we need better cops!!!
He obviously forgot he is to protect the constitution.
Who is training this goofy bunch
This cop is in serious trouble if c**p hits the blower.