Two deputies from Spokane Valley, WA were recently questioned by a resident as to why their police department needs war machines, such as armored vehicles, that have been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
His shocking admission shows us all exactly how brainwashed law enforcement is, like many Americans, to vilify those who hold dear the document that helped of our nation rise to become the greatest the world has yet seen: our Constitution.
Here is the 99%
Wise up we are not the problem
Since Obama has disregarded his own Oath, sworn in the name of God. Oath of office is meaningless to far to many people who take them… If you are Godless,. an oath is just words.. In my opinion all of our higher offices are being held and/or given to Godless people. No wonder we are in Satans grip, he seems to be in control at this moment in time. aided by all his deciples… This is my opinion of course…
an obama has called veterans Terrorists. Can you see where we are headed?
I’ve heard crime is bad there – but they aren’t the constitutionalists!
This site shows you what the main street media fails to … this shows you that there is bad intent with the mindset that some .but not all, cops have… when they view legal law abiding citizens as the enemy but yet turn a blind eye to others that are actually breaking the law , that is what the problem is … and you know what meaningless advertising is , any reality show on TV … or if obama wants to push his racial “Hands up , don’t shoot” “I can’t Breathe” agenda yet he doesn’t want to talk about the looters and thugs
Wonder what Camp he was at to get brain washed
sick puppy,…
This cop is a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!! I’m am pissed beyond belief.
Unbelievable cowards!