The shooting of Rep. Steve Scalice and his aides has revealed the true character of the leftist press to an even greater degree.
The shooting was a disgusting and useless act of political violence and has been condemned by most people with sense. Across the aisle, from Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump and Paul Ryan, politicians have stood together against the revolting attack.
But not everyone is standing in unity with the members of Congress. Some are so vile that they have used this moment to push their own political agenda — essentially giving purpose to the violence that most of the country has condemned.
It should come as no surprise that most of these individuals are members of the leftist press.
Of those who have taken advantage of the situation, the founder of the Daily Kos and Vox might be the most disgusting.
See what he said about Republicans after the shooting on the next page:
You ask why! Why so much ugliness and hatred against Trump and Conservatives? Well here is your answer…..These are the Sick People, Comedians, and Cable TV shows along with sick politicians who spew hatred with their words and actions in the destruction of another are responsible for this! The ugliness they spew sparks danger like this! Their ugliness is getting innocent people hurt or killed. It has to STOP! I do not give a damn if your R. D. or I. you do not have the right to threaten or depict someone being hurt or assassinated! It is the time that concerned Americans voice our OutRage by boycotting these individuals, their shows, their cable networks and or sponsors! Enough is enough! The blood on their hands will not be KETCHUP! Political Rhetorical Terrorism has to STOP!
They radicalize people with the masses of stories of Republicans seek to kill people. This has made the Democratic party off the table for voting because they are a threat to our economy nd security.
Demoncrats, that’s what they are.
Dumb$#%&!@* A waisted society
Idiot! Karma WILL find you!
What a stupid$#%&!@*this guy is. Republicans just want the right to defend themselves not to be ambushed . You stupid$#%&!@*!
Watch what you ask for, some of us shoot back….and we don’t miss….III%