It appears somebody is attempting to rig the GOP primaries, and from the looks of it, they’re rooting for Marco Rubio.
At least, that’s what one would reasonably conclude after dozens of reports across the country of voters receiving ballots already marked in favor of the senator from Florida. While mistakes are obviously going to be made in the process of distributing millions of ballots, the fact that the same mistake has been made repeatedly and in multiple locations suggest something darker is at work.
The latest incident of this nature took place in Virginia, where a voter taking part in the Tuesday primary was shocked to see the ballot he obtained had already been filled out for Rubio. He took a picture of the defaced ballot and informed the media about it.
Despite the concerns relayed to him by reporters about the affair, Richmond general registrar Kirk Showalter brushed them off, nonchalantly saying “there [is] no reason for voters to be alarmed.” Yeah, don’t worry folks, it’s just voter fraud, nothing to see here!
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why would the ballot include the candidates who have dropped out of the race? Where will their vote go, or to whom ?
that happened to a friend of mine during obama.
Watch your votes.Voting for Donald Trump and will record my vote with my cell phone..Texas,Oklahoma and Iowa need a recount voter fraud at work here…
Lying, cheating, nothing is going to be
truthful in this election. Votes are bought and sold.
In Texas (San Antonio) we use an electronic device that makes it truely the choice of the voter and no “hanging chads” or other issues like this ballot above. Also we are PHOBITED from having our phones ring much less take a picture. 🙂
He was already declared ineligible for this primary just because he is not an American of natural birth !
Every one of them buys votes, and how do they stop people from going somewhere else and vote again? All you do is show that you have ID, and there you go. So they can drive all over and keep voting,
Well don’t you think it should be stopped …….JUST SAYING………
talk about voter fraud. I bet we see more as time goes on. watch out as you cast your vote.
We have our name in one book in our district.
We can not vote more than once.
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to vote, however.