It appears somebody is attempting to rig the GOP primaries, and from the looks of it, they’re rooting for Marco Rubio.
At least, that’s what one would reasonably conclude after dozens of reports across the country of voters receiving ballots already marked in favor of the senator from Florida. While mistakes are obviously going to be made in the process of distributing millions of ballots, the fact that the same mistake has been made repeatedly and in multiple locations suggest something darker is at work.
The latest incident of this nature took place in Virginia, where a voter taking part in the Tuesday primary was shocked to see the ballot he obtained had already been filled out for Rubio. He took a picture of the defaced ballot and informed the media about it.
Despite the concerns relayed to him by reporters about the affair, Richmond general registrar Kirk Showalter brushed them off, nonchalantly saying “there [is] no reason for voters to be alarmed.” Yeah, don’t worry folks, it’s just voter fraud, nothing to see here!
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voter fraud
Voter fraud gets worse every day
If this is true then something needs to be done about it. But with all the alleged things that end up being false, I would like to wait to see if this is another false story. Remember the two blacks dressed as kkk out side one of the trump rallies.
Seems like the GOP is adopting Democratic methods of voting to keep Trump out. They just won’t listen to the base. Guess we have to teach them a lesson.
Nothing new. Those vote flipping computerized voting machines the republicans like and use were used in Texas to flip Trump votes to Edwardo Raphael Cruz, the Cuban Canadian
Correction, the votes were flipped from Trump to Rubio, the Cuban
some one please find out who needs to go to jail, over this
Hillary been cheating everyone else should to. typical politicians