For decades, the nuclear balance between the United States and Russia has been the cornerstone of Mutually Assured Destruction — or the fixture that has kept the globe from entering a third world war. Recently, however, it has been reported that the U.S. is poised to render that balance moot with its superior ballistic technology. With Mutually Assured Destruction apparently no longer a factor, many have begun to consider World War III an inevitable reality.
Vladimir Putin isn’t having any of that — but he isn’t disputing the inevitability of World War III.
See the alternate reason why he thinks that the world is on the precipice of another great war on the next page:
You Jerry Deaton are anouther liberal idiot who believes everything the media tells you. You have no thought process of your own so you need the media to help you make that process. Smoke anouther joint .
Putting does not want a war withUSA , if he did he had his chance while Obozo was in office ,, we will be lucky if we ever get back what we had ,I don’t see it happen in my life time may be my GGKids ,,,
Vlad take it out on Clinton’s, Obama’s they’re the one’s dragging u and Russia through the mud that includes. Leftist, Democratic party
Just do it I can’t live in this world with Muslims liberals black racist and a lot of other ignorant people blow this world to hell
If anyone listened to him for last 10 years it is clear that globalism and Clinton/Bush/Obama policy was creating a WWIII destination and that Trumps ( lack of political experience) is detouring the world away from it. Americanism wins again. MAGA!
no please sir
Between the world and N.Korea& Iran. Not Russia.
Wake upAmerica!!
Never happen- no winners, and complex, intertwined, interdependent economies
Yeah but we could always take a slow boat!!!