For decades, the nuclear balance between the United States and Russia has been the cornerstone of Mutually Assured Destruction — or the fixture that has kept the globe from entering a third world war. Recently, however, it has been reported that the U.S. is poised to render that balance moot with its superior ballistic technology. With Mutually Assured Destruction apparently no longer a factor, many have begun to consider World War III an inevitable reality.
Vladimir Putin isn’t having any of that — but he isn’t disputing the inevitability of World War III.
See the alternate reason why he thinks that the world is on the precipice of another great war on the next page:
Clinton obama wants war with russia
It’s all about the politics here and our country the way Democrats are acting the accusations of making to trump and his people in the Democratic power struggle and Putin is going to get sick of being accused eventually and cause a big nuclear problem thanks Democrats and CNN
I believe that!
Wouldn’t that be Obama’s ultimate victory? If US and Russia fight each other Islam wins. If US joins forces with Russia to find Islam, Islam loses.
I am afraid he is right! We need to rid our world of ISIS, Soros and start re-doing what we expect from our leaders and people who call themselves Americans!