More than 20 students at a Virginia high school were suspended Thursday after wearing clothes emblazoned with Confederate flags in protest of a school ban, officials said.
Montgomery County Public Schools spokeswoman Brenda Drake said 25 students arrived at Christiansburg High with clothes violating the ridiculous, new, politically correct Confederate flag ban. More of the Politically Correct condemnation of the flag, the students, and their First Amendment rights is on the next page:
The flag is a peice of cloth it cannot be racist, it is just like a gun don’t kill people, people kill people bunch of racist democrats that is screaming racism.
Being from the south has always been difficult, but now more so than ever. Our flag is part of our heritage, not racist. it is what we stand for
Obama doesnt like Confederate flag BUT is a democrat witch were the confederate army. Replublicans (LINCON) abolished slavery. so why did so many Americans who were black, ( And other non whites ) Vote Democrat?
Sue school. First amendment rights. Fly confederate flag.
Virginia, the Old Dominion state is where Patrick Henry made his passionate speech….Give me liberty or give me death….personally, i’m for these students.
Don’t give in. Make your stand.
It is called freedom of speech. Wonder what they would do if these kids had an ISIS flag. I think nothing. Maybe a flag of Islam. Nothing.
Jason Coxton Sara Coxton effing ridiculous! We’re no longer free in this country
Keep up the good work never surrender
Fire the Teachers