USA Today ran the story:
Twenty-one of the 25 refused to comply when challenged by school officials and were issued one-day, in-school suspensions, Drake said. She said 15 penalties were changed to out-of-school suspensions after many of the students “proceeded to disrupt the school environment through loud displays and behavior.
“We value our students’ First Amendment rights, but we must maintain an orderly and safe environment for all students,” Drake said. “Incidents of racial tension at CHS support the continued prohibition of the Confederate flag in the building.”
“We are not issuing a judgment on the flag, but know that not allowing it at CHS supports a peaceful educational environment in the building,” said Drake. She said the concern is that “lifting the ban of this particular symbol would cause significant disruption at the school.”
Source: USA Today
The unasked question: How many incidents were there over the years or decades when there was not a ban or social justice?
The school bans students from wearing clothes that are contrary to diversity and acceptance. Just this year a ban was added on Confederate flags on students’ vehicles.
Display of Confederate flags has come under increased scrutiny since a June shooting rampage left nine dead at an iconic black church in South Carolina. The shooter, Dylann Roof, made racist rants and had posted pictures on Facebook of himself with Confederate flags and a number of other flags that were accused of being inflammatory. He also wore a Gold’s Gym T-shirt that was not called into question as a racist overtone element.
The flag was never the point, but served as an excellent distraction and scapegoat from real issues.
And the students weren’t invited to the White House like the Clock/Bomb boy…
Where burkas and get driver’s license. Could be a terriost and wouldn’t know what he or she looks like
Schools and government can’t change history! These students have a right to be proud of there heritage.