Liberals are taking another jab at gun retailers with their latest bill. In the wake of the senseless killings of a Virginia television reporter and her cameraman, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is pushing a bill that will hold gun sellers criminally responsible for the weapons they sell should they be misused.
Anybody capable of rational thought can come up with plenty of reasons why that doesn’t make any sense.
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That’s just another idiot Dem trying to look good to the liberals in the party. It will never even get to a vote. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Virgina Idiots in office have a seriously warped opinion as if buyers come in and nothing pops in the federal systems it is not the store owners job to conduct psychologist or a polygraph examiner to sell guns. If we want stronger and better checks and balances make a polygraph or a mental health worker evaluate each gun buyer at the states expense.
Thank you! The honor was, and still remains, to serve our Republic, against ALL enemies, foreign AND “domestic”, i.e., like that in the current WH! My “Best!” to you and yours… – Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71
Lets make car dealers responsible too. Lets make teachers responsible when kids fail tests.
Can’t be done.
This is dumber than stupid!! So is the government going to be held responsible when that person p$#%&!@*es the background check & the government messed up? How can a gun seller be responsible for someone’s actions once that person has legally purchased the gun following all requirements?
Morons !
Thats stupid
That is absolutely ridiculous, I hope he is laughed out of session, we get crazier by the day!