Liberals are taking another jab at gun retailers with their latest bill. In the wake of the senseless killings of a Virginia television reporter and her cameraman, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is pushing a bill that will hold gun sellers criminally responsible for the weapons they sell should they be misused.
Anybody capable of rational thought can come up with plenty of reasons why that doesn’t make any sense.
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Thats like holding auto makers amd sellers respo sible for car wrecks! How ignorant!!
this is among the stupidest things i’ve ever heard
So the Goberment is responsible for everything that the Illegals do then . Right !
Ok, so are they going to start blaming car dealers for car accidents next?
Will car dealers be held responsible for deaths and injuries resulting from car wrecks?
So if I kill my EX with a hammer from Walmart Walmart is responsible ? If I shoot people in the parking lot at work with a nail gun from Lowe’s Lowe’s is responsible ? A Gun is just a tool , if the law does not cover all sales of all stores it is a targeted law with the intent to harm one group of people and is illegal under the Cons$#%&!@*ution .
How car dealers take responsibility for car wreck…
Winds of war are a blowin
More Obama BS
Not from a FFL dealer !!!!!!!!!!