Liberals are taking another jab at gun retailers with their latest bill. In the wake of the senseless killings of a Virginia television reporter and her cameraman, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is pushing a bill that will hold gun sellers criminally responsible for the weapons they sell should they be misused.
Anybody capable of rational thought can come up with plenty of reasons why that doesn’t make any sense.
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Well said John ivey
Yes I will agree it is a way for them to punish law abiding people they don’t want to do nothing to the criminal
totally wrong kick those pepole out of office
Where does Virginia get all these morons ????
That’s just stupid
Are they going to hold car sellers for all the people killed by cars? Knife sellers for people killed with knives? This is REDICULOUS!!
Again now let’s sue the fork for making us fat!
All they are trying to do is shut down gun shops. But it want stop thugs from going to other methods to get guns. What it looks like to me they want the thugs to have guns so they can shot you when they break into your house or kill you if you own a store. What these people are trying to do is stupid.
How stupid can these idiots be?