Liberals are taking another jab at gun retailers with their latest bill. In the wake of the senseless killings of a Virginia television reporter and her cameraman, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is pushing a bill that will hold gun sellers criminally responsible for the weapons they sell should they be misused.
Anybody capable of rational thought can come up with plenty of reasons why that doesn’t make any sense.
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That is outrageous incoherent and crazy
Democide…. Lets hold the Government responsible.
that is not right
stupid. then you should hold the makers of matches, and smokers liable for ALL fires. Then how about the water works workers, hold them responsible for all drownings. Doctors for all deaths. Auto makers for all auto accidents. Anyone agree
We todd did
I was just thinking the same thing. Power companies are now responsible for Electrocutions.
stupid !!
i mean doesn’t it seem odd that the same people calling for gun control in america are spending our tax dollars to arm millitary militias and drug cartels ?and are trying to remove the sanctions in iran which would give the leading funder of terrorism all the money they need to build an army,while iran is screaming death to america and israel? doesn’t that seem the opposite of what we should be doing? and according to military and civilian laws that is treason to aid the enemy. so the question is ,who payroll are they on?
They can’t take ours away so they wanna make it s so that no one is willing to sell any more
How about we make all politicians responsible for crimes committed by any other politician?? Seems fair to me