This Virginia legislation wants to make gun sellers criminally liable for the guns they sell. Next they’ll want to hold McDonalds liable for heart attack victims and car manufacturers responsible for car-related deaths. More analogies can be made, but you get the idea.
The bill is designed to “raise the bar” and require more “accountability” on the part of gun sellers. It also expands the federal net to open the door to criminal liability charges against private sellers too.
According to The Roanoke Times, Kaine’s bill is titled the Responsible Transfer of Firearms Act. It “would make gun sellers criminally liable for a bad sale if they didn’t take reasonable, affirmative steps to determine the customer met federal criteria.”
In statement accompanying the legislation’s introduction Kaine said:
As recent tragedies in Virginia and across the country have shown, the gun laws in our country have done little to stem senseless gun violence. These numbing incidents in urban, rural and suburban communities are made worse by the lack of accountability in those instances where the tragedy might have been prevented.
What Senator Kaine is forgetting is that a majority of people who have been convicted for gun violence have passed federally conducted background checks – the Virginia shooter had a legally obtained gun himself!
Then we should hold car dealers responsible for car accidents!
So you’re holding the dealer responsible. What about the guy pulling the trigger.
So stupid….
So GM & Ford will be held responeable for drunk drivers
How true if you voted for obastard then you are responsible for his actions makes just as much if not more sense as making a gun sales -being responsible for what happens after a gun sale are you going to make the terrorist responsible for killing you . Wish we could make all of you responsible for obastards actions that voted for him would serve you tightb
Now that’s so stupid!