If things go according to plan in Virginia, we’re going to see how much anti-gun politicians really hate guns once they’re no longer protected by them.
Jumping on the anti-Second Amendment bandwagon, Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring has moved forward with a plan for Virginia to cease recognizing concealed carry permits granted by the 25 different states that issue such permits. But conservatives in the state legislature have a trick up their sleeves.
According to Virginia Senator Bill Carrico, Republicans in the State Senate will be able to strip Governor Terry McAuliffe of the armed security team that protects him via a planned budget amendment that he will introduce in January.
“If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen,” Carrico stated. One can only hope thisĀ makes McAuliffe reconsider his Attorney General’s decision.
Read more about this story on the next page:
Great move.
LOL…Take a breath……..LOL…..Yes, I am a proud Liberal and a Socialist……..I mention Trump because it is funny how you and your ilk ollow him blindly……….He talks about how evil immigration is and he has had three wives that are immigrants……..LOL…..You obviously do not know how Government works……….Those that win get to set the agenda………As in Virginia……This Gov. did what the voters who voted for him wanted him to do….That decision in and of itself has nothing to do with anything else……I hope he is setting a pattern for other Gov. to do the same……….Now if the people of Virginia, and Virginia only, do not like his decisions, then they have the right to vote him out……..Lastly, and this makes me giggle, if you think a group of CC is our defense to invasion, then you are a sheeple………..LOL……….peace
I want to hear about this when it reads “Va. governor is without protection.”
Well it’s only fitting that the Governor be stripped of the same rights as his citizens. He can walk around with a sign around his neck that says ” Gun Free Zone” that should be enough protection for him.
Would LOVE to see these armed guards stripped of their guns .
I enjoy readiny the posts but when people use “there” in place of the proper word Their” it makes me wonder what they went to school for. Go back to school and learn the ENGLISH language! You can spot the ones in their late teens and mid 20s
Then let all public officials, including the president, be guarded by men with pea shooters and sling-shots! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I’m keeping MY firearms, thank you very much.
Give the scumbag a GUN FREE ZONE SIGN.
Best idea ever. The White House needs this lesson too!
The Virginia State legislature should impeach the Governor and be due with it.