A plan to ban “frequent and large gatherings at neighborhood homes” has been introduced in Fairfax, VA.
The proposed zoning ordinance would limit “group assembly” at private residences to 49 people a day. Gatherings “shall not occur more frequently than three times in any 40-day period.”
“I believe the county is risking a lawsuit and/or a Constitution challenge by interfering with peoples’ right to assemble,” states Supervisor Pat Herrity.
John Whitehead, attorney and president of the civil-libertarian Rutherford Institute states, “If you can’t determine what goes on at your own residence, you have surrendered your rights. The Constitution is founded on property rights.”
As far as politicians are concerned our Constitution is dead. It´s now going to take a full blown revolution to turn this country around!
A plan to ban “frequent and large gatherings at neighborhood homes” is a lawsuit waiting to happen, a Fairfax County supervisor predicts.
Officials will get an idea Wednesday when public-comment hearings begin in Virginia’s most populous county.
“I believe the county is risking a lawsuit and/or a Constitution challenge by interfering with peoples’ right to assemble,” Supervisor Pat Herrity said in a statement.
The proposed zoning ordinance limits “group assembly” at residences to 49 people a day. Such gatherings “shall not occur more frequently than three times in any 40-day period.”
County officials say they have received complaints about group meetings at homes. But Herrity said “they haven’t even reached 1 percent of the thousands of complaints our Department of Code Compliance investigates a year.”
“This is yet another instance where we appear to be punishing the many for the actions of the few,” said Herrity, who reported a total of six complaints were received last year.
Church groups, scouting organizations or even sports fans drawn to a home’s big-screen TV during playoffs could be potential targets of the proposed county law. Realtors worry that even open houses would invite civil penalties.
John Whitehead, an attorney and president of the civil-libertarian Rutherford Institute, calls the Fairfax plan “nefarious.”
If we rise up we will be labeled domestic terrorists.
And the media will get the preconditioned people to agree with them.
It’s all in the constitution protecting assembly and free speech !
Obama and each of our Senators and Representatives have failed to keep their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
They have became the domestic threat to our Human Rights and our Freedoms.
Our current Senate and House will not stop the stupid War on Terror, will not repeal Obamacare, and will not fire Obama or repeal Obamacare and care nothing what the people of the United States want.
Do you believe we should be spending trillions of dollars in a war in Africa and the Middle East and we should be trying to start a war with Russia and China?
No Incumbents. Vote every one of them out.
Obamacare, the new and improved and horribly unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Common Core Education, and Trans Fats Bans is just like Obama, our Judicial Branch, our Senators and our Representatives continually attacking Christian values and preaching for Immigration Reform and Gun Control.
Immigration Laws have not been Repealed.
We should have the Freedom of Religion, the Freedom of Speech and the right to own a Gun. The Bill of Rights did not give us our Human Rights and our Freedoms, we have those because we are free men and women.
Our rights and our freedoms are documented in our Bill of Rights so the good for nothing fat cat parasites in Washinton,DC do not forget we have them.
Everything Obama, Obama’s Administration, our current Senators, and our current Representatives want is only about People Control.
It is only about destroying our Human Rights and Freedoms.
Vote all the rich good for nothing liars and parasites out. They have not fired Obama and Holder and repealed the horrible Obamacare nightmare.
If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are the problem, not the solution.
Obama, Eric Holder, Biden, John Kerry, and every one of Obama’s appointees should be fired, today.
Vote all the millionaires of our Senate and House out, they want to destroy our Human Rights and our Freedoms, they want to enforce Obamacare, and they will not enforce our Immigration Laws.
Repeal Obamacare.
End our stupid War on Terror.
Quit trying to start a war with China.
Quit trying to start a war with Russia.
No Incumbents.
Vote every one of our Senators and Representatives out.
They have not fired Obama and Holder.
Obama and Biden and most of our Senators and Representatives love war and Gun Control more than Adolf Hitler did and believe we deserve Human Rights and Freedoms as much as Adolf Hitler thought the Jews deserved them. No Incumbents. Vote them out.
The violence in Syria and in the Ukraine was financed from inside the Untied States and we impose sanctions against Russia? Every nation of the world should impose sanctions against NATO and the United States for invading all of Africa and most of the Middle East.
Our Officials in Washington, DC have allowed every one of our Federal Agencies to become corrupt.
They have done nothing to stop the Terrorists playing the Knock Out Game in our cities and endangering the lives of citizens in our streets.
No Incumbents.
The blood of Patriots gave us the Bill of Rights.
We have the Bill of Rights because we are Free Men and Women, they are document so the rich fat cat liars and parasites of our Federal Agencies and our elected officials will not forget we have them.
If one of the filthy rich good for nothing liars and parasites of our House or Senate is re elected it is too many., They have not kept their Oath of Office so support and defend our Constitution and by doing that protect our Human Rights and our Freedoms.
Vote all of them out.
No Incumbents.
Resistance is futile.
The monsters always say that.
Gina what’s her name can not tell we can not talk. She can not tell us we can not tell the world the Scientists are wrong.
This is the Land of the Free and the Brave.
Some rich old worthless good for nothing pencil pushing burecrat political appointee can not tell me what I can or can not say.
If the EPA doesn’t care about Chemtrails or Monsanto’s toxins, they don’t care about anything.
Our Freedom of Speech gives us the right to say the Scientists funded by our Government may lie to us just as Barrack Obama, our CIA, and our Media lie to us each day.
We have the Freedom of Speech.
We are not nobles and serfs.
We are all free men and free women.
The Bill of Rights was written so the fat cat liars and parasites of our Federal Agencies, Administration, our Judges, our Senators, and our Representatives would not forget we are free.
Gina McCarthy is a typical Obama Jack Booted Thug, she believes Citizens of the United States should not have Freedom of Speech.
I guess the IRS is too busy Harassing and Intimidating Patriots and Conservatives, so the EPA has to Harass and Intimidate Republicans who are not Patriots or Conservatives.
Shut down the EPA, the IRS, and the Bureau of Land Management.
They have worked with Obama.
Fire Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Eric Holder.
Obama’s Administration and the CIA created, supported, and funded the violence in the Ukraine.
End the Sanctions against Russia.
John Kerry should not have to resign, he should be fired, today, with the rest of them.
Americans died, our Media, Barrack Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton lied.
Their lies and their made up truth a year later are all lies. It does not take a year to make up the truth.
Fire Eric Holder, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, and every one of Obama’s Appointees.
Shred each one of Obama’s Executive Orders.
Barrack Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed our Law.
Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton should have been fired for their lies about Benghazi, they lied when it happened and continue to lie today.
Eric Holder and Barrack Obama should have been fired for their lies about Fast and Furious.
Eric Holder and Barrack Obama should have been fired for using the IRS to harass and Intimidate patriots and conservatives.
Eric Holder and Barrack Obama should have been fired for their abuse of office to harass and intimidate Zimmerman after his trial.
Eric Holder and Obama should have been fired for their abuse of their Office in trying to get the Justice Department to charge the white guy committing the Knock Out Game with a Hate Crime. The Knock Out Game is Terrorism each time it happens. Each one of them should be locked away to protect citizens of the United States from Terrorism.
Barrack Obama should have been fired when he invaded Libya with out the approval of Congress.
Barrack Obama should have been fired for his lies about Obamacare to get it passed. Obamacare as it is is nothing like what we were promised. Repeal it. The delays in the most horrible parts of Obamacare are not good for anyone but the Incumbents. They do not fix anything.
Obama should be fired for allowing groups like the National Endowment for Democracy to create, support, and finance the violence in the Ukraine and then joining with the CIA to lie about it to get our House and Senate to impose sanctions against Russia and then get the help of NATO for a Military Build Up near the Ukraine.
NATO and the United States with their continued War Crimes, Destruction, and murder across Africa and the Middle East have shown they have no love of Human Life and no respect for anyone living and no respect for our world.
Barrack Obama should be arrested for Treason and fired later.
Barrack Obama’s and Joe Biden’s Attacks are not only on your Second Ammendment Rights, but on each one of hour Human Rights and Freedoms.
No Incumbents. They gave us the stupid War on Terror, the NDAA, Obamacrap, and they have not fired Barrack Obama and Eric Holder. They have not kept their Oath of Office to support and defend our Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic. Instead they have became the domestic threat to our Human Rights and our Freedoms. Vote them out.
Christians are being persecuted and murdered in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and our Media, Obama and our Administration, our Senators and Representatives, NATO, and the United Nations refuse to see.
Obamacare isn’t the only horrible disaster Obama’s Administration is forcing on the Untied States. The Delays in the Mots horrible parts of Obamacare are only good for the Incumbents.
Obama should have been fired the first time he wrote an Executive Order that changed the Law of the United States.
Our War on Terror has not been stopped and our War on Drugs has not been stopped.
We are murdering children, women, and men with Drones and a covert war on three continents and someone comes up with this stupidity.
Our Supreme Court says Corporations are People.
They are not.
Each Human Life is the Most Important and the Most Valubalbe thing on our Planet. Our Supreme Court, Obama, Obama’s Administration, NATO, our current Senators, our current Representatives, the NSA, the United Nations, and our Federal Agencies do not have any respect for Human Life or any respect for Soverign Borders.
Someone wants our Supreme court to say monkeys are people.
Animals are not people. Of course if there is no God, all humans are only hairless apes and good and bad are just the restrictions of our laws and mankind does not have the ability to reason. We are no different from dogs, cats, mice, and ants.
Businesses are not people. Idiots.
Just as the leaders of the United States are working to strip everyone in the United States of all their basic human rights and freedoms the idiots of our world want animals to be listed as almost human, they aren’t. Pigs are smarter than chimps.
Our NSA, CIA, and our current Administration do not have any respect for human life. It is crazy to think they have any respect for animal life.
If the United States and NATO had any respect for our world or human life they would end their stupid War on Terror across Africa, Asia, and the Middle east, give all their Military Bases in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East to the nations the stupid bases exist in, gather up all their war toys and quit murdering people and causing hate, pain, death, and destruction across three continents.
End our wars.
Quit listening to the liars of the CIA and NSA. The CIA, NSA, and Obama’s Administration gain power with our continued Wars in Africa and the Middle East and want to spread their war into the Ukraine and into Europe and into Asia.
War is bad.
Peace is good.
Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, and Bloomberg love Gun Control more than Adolf Hitler did.
Obamacare, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Common Core Education, and Trans Fats Bans is just like Obama, our Judicial Branch, our Senators and our Representatives continually attacking Christians and preaching for Immigration Reform and Gun Control.
It is only about People Control.
It is only about destroying our Human Rights and Freedoms.
Vote all the parasites and liars of our current House and Senate out..
If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are the problem, not the solution.
Obama, Eric Holder, Biden, John Kerry, and every one of Obama’s appointees should be fired, today.
The Stupid War on Terror should end, today.
We should stop murdering people on three continents.
We should stop shipping weapons to Iran and Egypt.
Obamacare should be repealed, today.
Oprah and anyone who supports the Muslim Obama who hates our Constitution, our Human Rights, our Freedoms, and has us still involved in a War on Terror as our military and our CIA support, finance, and train the Al Qaeda Terrorists in Kentucky are wrong, anyone who can support Obama also has no respect for human life.
Vote the parasites out. If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are monsters.
Elections are coming for our Senators and Representatives.
Republican and Democrat. They are all responsible for our economy being in the toilet, the Knock out Game, all of our federal agencies being so corrupt, Obamacare that was gave to the most corrupt agency in the world, our stupid War on Terror that is based only on the lies of the CIA and NSA which have the same credibility as Obama, Barrack Obama and Eric Holder wanted the one white guy committing the Knock Out Game tried using Hate Crime Laws. The Knock Out Game is Terrorism each time it is committed, no matter which race the Terrorist belongs to. Lock them away.
Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Obama are liars, go to youtube and watch them lie again and again. That should be enough reason to fire Eric Holder and Barrack Obama and enough reason to not allow any one of them to work for any city or state government in any capacity or the federal government again in their lifetimes. We do not need liars working for us in our government.
The NDAA which was not used on the Boston Bomber because it was written for guys and girls who talk about the criminals in our government and not for Terrorists to hurt us and not to protect us like the Cyber Security Bill was written to limit Free Speech on the Internet and not to protect the internet.
All of our leaders in Washington and our Media lie to us, every day. Their lies and finger pointing changes nothing, if they are in Washington, DC today, they are the problem, not the solution. The liars in office in the Senate and house were there during Benghazi and during the scandals and during our wars.
The United States funded the violence in Syria.
The United States created, supported, and funded the Violence in the Ukraine.
The United States and NATO are the Bad Guys in the stupid War on Terror. End It.
The United States, NATO, and the EU are the Bad Guys in the Ukraine.
End the Sanctions against Russia.
Fire Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and Eric Holder.
Shred each one of Barrack Obama’s Executive Orders.
Repeal Obamacare.
Repeal the NDAA.
Shut Down the EPA, IRS, and the Bureau of Land Management, they are too corrupt to function.
Vote the parasites out.
No Incumbents.
if things keep going the constitution will no longer exist bo will be a happy camper