Portsmouth Sheriff Bill Watson is infuriated after a group of judges told him to remove an American flag from their courthouse, which was given to his office by the Portsmouth fire department.
“I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse, I mean that’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” said the Sheriff.
The flag is made out of old firehoses and had a caption underneath which read “A Tribute to Public Safety.”
The people who make these comments are the ones who call others “low information”???? BAAHHAAAHAAA!!!
EVERY courtroom in the courthouse displays a REAL flag. There’s a REAL flag hanging on the flagpole. If the judge was against the flag…why didn’t he remove the REAL flags?
You “high information” folks have “low reasoning” skills….and apparently “zero investigative” skills. Read the Flag Code.
Wouldn’t want to offend the illegals.
Support the flag??? I had no idea that the flag was alive. Unless it’s hanging outdoors and the wind is blowing every time I see it it’s just hanging there lifeless. Travis let me ask you something. Do you believe in God and the Bible?
The judge is anti american !
What law is this display violating?
I see we are getting ready for war, I live near an army base that is shipping tanks, motors, bombs. I live in the desert where most people can not see what is going on on our trains. We also ( the US) has a 6 year contract with Israel. What do you hear out there seeing as you are in the Army?
This is America get out of our country if you don’t like the flag, that means everyone who doesn’t like it
I think u meant NBC not fox.
Keep the flag,get rid of the judge or judges