Portsmouth Sheriff Bill Watson is infuriated after a group of judges told him to remove an American flag from their courthouse, which was given to his office by the Portsmouth fire department.
“I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse, I mean that’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” said the Sheriff.
The flag is made out of old firehoses and had a caption underneath which read “A Tribute to Public Safety.”
Thats insane. I don’t care if it is drawn on a piece of paper, it’s still the American flag. Why are all these judges afraid of the American flag and why aren’t they standing up for Our country. If they are that afraid of the flag and that ashamed of being an American then GET OUT! We don’t need people like them in this country. We need peopke who are going to fight fof our rights as AMERICANS! We don’t need people in high offices who are afraid of offending people! GET OUT and that includes all these people who came to this country for freedom and now are standing up and yelling that offends me. Cry babies GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM !!!!!!!! Don’t come here and try and change OUR way of life and OUR rights, we didn’t ask you to come here , but when you came we welcomed you because we thought you wanted a better life, if you are so unhappy and offended by OUR ways then LEAVE ! We will help you pack !!!!!!! GOD bless our country and the men and women who are giving their lives so we can keep our rights and freedom. Shame on you judges
F these judges. Maybe it’s time to give these judges their punishment.
I agree remove that judge
If we can be americans, we shouldn’t judge as americans.
Who are these judges, illegal aliens from another planet? What country’s officials would ask to stop displaying their own flag? Unless…..
Whoever put that disgusting blue line on our flag should be in trouble
The local patriotic voters should “Remove’ that judge from courthouse.
its are flag not a pice of art for some one to color as the see fit / it is not to be mess with i stand be hind the judges on this one
Remove the incompetent judge
Don’t let them is not their city