Democrats must be afraid of a Republican landslide this November, because they’re combining their hysteria over an alleged “war on voting rights” with their traditional soft spot for criminals.
Making his move just when it seems like it can benefit his dear friend and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an order permitting over 200,000 convicted felons vote in the general elections later this year.
Although McAuliffe insists that his decision has nothing to do with turning the electoral tides in the favor of Hillary, observers notice that many of the prisoners who will be released belong to ethnic minority groups, who largely tend to vote for Democrats.
This all-too-convenient fact has not been lost on conservatives, provoking Virginia Republicans to decry the governor’s action, with Senate Leader Thomas Norment condemning McAuliffe’s “flagrant disregard for the Constitution” and others announcing that they plan to file a lawsuit over the matter.
Read more about the governor’s order on the next page:
It’s the fricken law when you commit a felony you lose your rights to bear arms and vote. This$#%&!@*needs to be charged with a felony for this abuse of the laws of our country.
Virginia’s governor must be off his MEDS again!
This is how Democrats intend to vote in Hillary as our next President. Have all illegal immigrants and Muslims vote. Search the cemeteries for dead people. Have people vote over and over again. And let all the criminals vote.
what the hell is going on? we need TRUMP desperately now, can’t GOP see that. maybe because they are all new world order proponents
Put this crazy out of office
Sue the$#%&!@*out of that p***k
A treasonous act in my opinion!
You know big government is getting desperate when you see$#%&!@*like this. Be careful America.
It called changing the voting bloc and redistribution . The Democrats favorite word . All the Muslim arriving here they are being relocating them in or near heavy Republican district. For two reason change the voting block and do not want them near democrat voters or in Democrat district, .If the want Muslim here so bad let them be relocate to a Democrats Districts.