Democrats must be afraid of a Republican landslide this November, because they’re combining their hysteria over an alleged “war on voting rights” with their traditional soft spot for criminals.
Making his move just when it seems like it can benefit his dear friend and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an order permitting over 200,000 convicted felons vote in the general elections later this year.
Although McAuliffe insists that his decision has nothing to do with turning the electoral tides in the favor of Hillary, observers notice that many of the prisoners who will be released belong to ethnic minority groups, who largely tend to vote for Democrats.
This all-too-convenient fact has not been lost on conservatives, provoking Virginia Republicans to decry the governor’s action, with Senate Leader Thomas Norment condemning McAuliffe’s “flagrant disregard for the Constitution” and others announcing that they plan to file a lawsuit over the matter.
Read more about the governor’s order on the next page:
This is a political scam by the governor so his candidate Hillary can win the election. I bet at least five more states with democrat governors will be doing the same, especially New York and California run by two corrupt lying democrats. Sure hope my fellow Virginia voters vote this$#%&!@*hole out of office with due for reelection. This$#%&!@*hole will be running for a congress seat in the future just like the rest of the democrat Virginia governors. His move there if he wins, will be to restore the voting rights of all felons across the board.
What if these criminals learned the error of their ways in prison and all voted email Republican ? It’d be funny ! Bet alot watched The Apprentice in prison.
I was always taught that once a criminal you lost your RIGHT to vote period ! This dem wants to give that right back without Congressional approval ! Just wrong and typical socialist move just for votes! Re call this idiot VA!
What a disgrace to american people… Our country has gone to a new low to get their way…. This is so sad… Who are they going to blame when it spins all out of control… and their is no money left to pay for their free stuff.
Im.not surprised liberals cuddling criminals and terrorists
Also buddies with clintons
you sir a a POS
Kiss that democratic party bye ! Unbelievable sell this country out for a vote !
Yeah that, it’s my football$#%&!@*during an election year is pure bull$#%&!@*and dirty politics!!