Democrats must be afraid of a Republican landslide this November, because they’re combining their hysteria over an alleged “war on voting rights” with their traditional soft spot for criminals.
Making his move just when it seems like it can benefit his dear friend and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an order permitting over 200,000 convicted felons vote in the general elections later this year.
Although McAuliffe insists that his decision has nothing to do with turning the electoral tides in the favor of Hillary, observers notice that many of the prisoners who will be released belong to ethnic minority groups, who largely tend to vote for Democrats.
This all-too-convenient fact has not been lost on conservatives, provoking Virginia Republicans to decry the governor’s action, with Senate Leader Thomas Norment condemning McAuliffe’s “flagrant disregard for the Constitution” and others announcing that they plan to file a lawsuit over the matter.
Read more about the governor’s order on the next page:
The democrat establishment s running scared.
Just listen to the way this sounds 2 hundred thousand criminals murderers these thugs vote for the Democrats they let them out of prison to vote for the Democratic what does that tell you The Democrats are the criminals
The republicans will lose the lawsuit, the constitution alone proves them wrong. They will look like the tyrants who owned slaves back before the civil war argueing that in fact not all men are created equal. Then the democrats will argue that the forefathers were felons according to english law and that will be the final nail in the republicans coffin. Mind you im an independent and a felon, luckily for me Missouri gives the right to vote back to felons who have served their time.
our Government Voting to dismantle itself!
You belong in prison
If Virginia governor does this, he needs to be arrested immediately and thrown in jail to rot.
They gave up their rights to voting when they did the crime. Virginia should recall this radical idiot.
Another one becomes a member of the Butcher of Benghazi’s payroll. The Butcher will do anything, even destory America to get a vote. The Great Divider and The Butcher of Benghazi are bent on making America a third world country. Now we know where the money from the clinton foundation goes. It goes to buy petty politicians, or are they afraid of having thier lives cut short also if they don’t follow the Butcher.