Revenge and retribution are on the hearts and minds of the citizens of Cologne. With over 500 reported sexual attacks, at the hands of what we now know to have been “Syrian immigrants”, and no reported arrests, the people of Germany are restless and some have taken revenge into their own hands.
There is great truth in the Proverb that says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has allowed a policy of open boarders, and resulting wickedness, define her time in office and now the people not only groan but have felt the need to take the ruling into their own hands.
The past weekend, groups of Germany vigilantes lead revenge attacks in Cologne, in response to the sexual assaults on hundreds of German women on New Year’s Eve, committed by what is now reported as Syrian immigrants.
Read about the revenge attacks on page 2.
Obama wants this for us , so get ready ???
Angela Merkel is a conservative and her Christian democrat party is equivalent to the US GOP. Do your research before just spewing c**p.
When they leave us No choice ? We must ACT !!!
People need to defend their own country and homes even against a government that isn’t willing to admit when they are wrong.
April, lol!
It’s a shame that 6th graders are exposed to this type of news so that the publishers of this info can get cheaper labor. Perhaps college grads could write and spell better?!?
the citizens of germany are being called vigilanties because the german government is letting muslim rape their women and get away with it cause it is their law of sharia, not our law.
Just shoot them on the streets and leave them there! Anyone comes for them shoot them too!